Monday, February 3, 2020

How to Negotiate When You Hate Negotiating

After teaching seminars for over 30 years in 29 different countries and 49 US States (I never got to West Virginia, for some reason), I decided to start jotting down some of my thoughts on negotiating. This ended up turning into a series of articles, which eventually evolved into "How to Negotiate When You Hate Negotiating." It's easy to read, and has tips for both the novice and the seasoned negotiator. While it is my fervent hope that you learn some new negotiating tactics, strategies, and skills, I also hope you have a lot of fun on the journey.
Order here: Paperback

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Upcoming Seminars, Webinars, Speeches, and Appearances

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

WEBINAR - Negotiation Tactics Your Sales Team Needs to Win

Sales professionals are often long term, spending 10, 15, or 20 years in the business. Unfortunately, what sometimes happens is that, instead of getting 10+ years of experience in sales, they’re getting one year of experience…and repeating it 10, 15, or 20 times.

Most organizations invest time and money teaching their people how to sell. However, that training usually does not teach their sales team how to negotiate – which is an entirely different (and mission-critical) skillset. Since the 2008 recession, purchasing groups have been doubling down on their negotiation training, which in turn has created a shift in the balance of power between buyers and sellers.

This Webinar provides valuable insight and tactics your sales reps can use to overcome the most common tactics used by today’s buyer:
The Squeeze – “You’ve got to do better than that" 
Throwing Junk – Negative comments designed to devalue what you sell 
Competitive Leverage – “I can get the same thing elsewhere for less" 
The Flinch – An adverse reaction to your position
Learn from black-belt negotiation expert Skip Tucker and sales trainer Mark Roberts as they share insight about closing the skills gap in negotiations and giving your salespeople a fighting chance. 

How to Negotiate When You Hate Negotiating

After teaching seminars for over 30 years in 29 different countries and 49 US States (I never got to West Virginia, for some reason), I de...